All and Nothing

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you have to start with the big bang."Carl Sagan Objectivity We may or may not begin with time, the big bang, matter from nothing, or from within countless other stories shared among us. We may take the root sense of being for granted because the …

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The Edge of the Universe

"Western reality has no prerogative or supremacy over other brands. It may be the present operating system for modernity on Earth, but its roots are no more rooted, its arising no more fundamental or absolute. No one species’s or planet’s deposition has primogeniture or is endorsed by the universe. The same claims are made implicitly by …

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Sacred Transgressions

"Although paranormal phenomena certainly involve material processes, they are finally organized around signs and meaning. To use the technical terms, they are semiotic and hermeneutical phenomena . Which is to say that they seem to function as representations or signs to decipher and interpret, not just movements of matter to measure and quantify." In his …

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When Science Dreams

"I’VE ALWAYS WONDERED WHY my brain doesn’t simply rest at night, as my body does, but instead sets to work creating an artificial world that seems as real as waking life." The use of the phrase, "my brain," in Andrea Rock's book, The Mind at Night: The New Science of How and Why We Dream, beautifully …

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Life Against Death – Part II

A consideration of the aim and purpose of artificial intelligence (AI), provides a fitting introduction to this followup post on Norman O. Brown's book, Life Against Death. AI seeks to build a model of human intelligence for the purpose of: 1) The thrill and power of creating, fathering and possessing a better than human machine, a …

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